I found a random quote on Instagram one day that I don't completely understand, but for some reason it reminded me of me. I had forgotten about it, but coincidentally, I thought of it again while looking at these fractals in class this week....
"Easily attracted, dangerous to distract me."
What does that even mean? I don't know, but I'm sure there was a good reason it popped into my head that day, and I'm sure it relates to fractals... well, because, doesn't everything?After this chapter, my new thoughts on Recursion: it is beautiful, powerful, and magical. This time, looking at a section of the Mandelbrot set, I was completely intrigued by the patterns that were forming in the background space with one of the color combinations.
The strange thing is, I guess that's not really the background.... it's all fractal code, there is no background, it goes forever. When we zoomed in and I saw the 3 dimensional effect, with the varied wobbly overlapping petals I just had to try and draw it! I couldn't even come close. I haven't kept a sketch book in years, and it shows. I probably could render something close (in greyscale with a pencil) if I spent some time on it.
If I spent even more time, I could probably create a similar effect with acrylic paint too. That's the thing though - I already know I can do those things. I will always love working with materials with my hands, but I am in complete awe of how this effect is being produced with pixels on a screen. That's actually one of the reasons I chose programming - it's all brand new to me.
In some ways, a screen doesn't seem that much different from paper.... except paint is a pigment- it's a layer. Pixels are light? Anyways, seems like a fun new hobby for summer... you loose some you win some.
Local Fractal Artist:
I ran across the website of a fractal artist in East Tennessee - Steven Lareau - He has been working with Mandelbulbs - a 3-D version of Mandelbrot! I thought it was pretty cool and I love to share the work of local artists, so check it out if you can.
Fractal Tree Branching
(click picture to see in action)
My fractal field needs more work. This will be all for now.
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